What is Luxury Interior Design?

In Blog by Ron NathanLeave a Comment

If you’re facing a home remodel or you just want to spruce up your interior design, then you may be considering the luxurious aesthetic. How exactly can you define luxury? While luxurious aesthetics may mean something different to everyone, there are a few common themes. Those themes are comfort, high-quality materials, elegance, and customization. Here’s how you can include luxury interior design into your next remodeling project.

The Bedroom

When people think of comfort, they likely think recliners and leather seats. However, luxury comfort is different from common comfort. Replace the Lazy-Boy with 1,000-thread bed sheets, and you’re heading in the right direction.

Luxury interior design takes comfort to the next level. If you want a luxury-fueled bedroom, for example, then you’re going to want to look into thread counts and duvets for your bed.

You’ll also want to consider having heated tiles if you’re not going to invest in plush carpet. Some elements that you may want to include are sweeping curtains, stone mantles for your TV set or fireplace, a regal headboard, and plenty of shelving.

Part of a luxury design aesthetic is showcasing various items that fit with the aesthetic. You don’t necessarily want to clutter the room. Instead, it requires a careful balance between decorating efficiently and giving everything its own space.

That might also limit the kind of decorations that you use. For example, you may want to stay away from cheap figurines and instead invest in some thick-volume leather-bound books. Sophistication loves leather-bound books. including a few on your shelves with modern and sleek bookends is a great decorative piece. You may never read any of the books, but they’ll sure look great on your shelves.

For bedrooms that have hard flooring, you’ll also want to include rugs. They shouldn’t be the standard rugs that you can buy at your local one-stop store either. The rugs you’re after should be thick, decorative, and fit with the rest of the room.

Besides your bed and nightstand, your bedroom should also include pieces of furniture like footstools and ottomans. Both of these look great when up against the foot of the bed. The stools and ottomans should also be made of high-quality materials and match the overall color of the room. Though it doesn’t hurt to use them as a statement piece by offering in a splash of color or contrasting them with the walls.

Luxury Interior Design in the Bathroom

Another important area to add luxury interior design is in the bathroom. A luxury bathroom should mirror your bedroom in terms of its grandeur and elegance.

Money should not be spared when it comes to transforming your bathroom from something standard to something luxurious. The first aspect you should invest in is the flooring. Do away with standard tile. If there’s carpet, you especially need to rip out. Carpet has no place in a luxury bathroom.

Instead, you’ll want to use a material that does well with water and bacteria. Quartz, marble, granite, and other natural stone materials can do extremely well in bathrooms. You can tile them to create eye-catching squares that run along the floor and make up the baseboard. The colors alone could set the aesthetic for the entire bathroom.

You may even choose to include a stone mosaic at the center of your bathroom. Not only is this small detail and customization exactly what makes luxury interior design so luxurious.

In the bathroom, details and finishes are what will set your bathroom apart from a standard bathroom. Do away with common finishes that anyone can buy. Your faucets, door handles, and drawer handles should be top-notch quality and create small statements of their own.

You also shouldn’t be afraid to use wood in the bathroom. While some homeowners may be wary of using wood because of the amount of moisture in the air, when treated correctly, wood can truly make your bathroom luxurious. You may consider having a vanity inside the bathroom made of wood.

Finally, a lot of attention should be put into your bathtub and shower. For one, club foot tubs are an absolute must. They’re the top-tier tub to include in any luxury interior design.

For those who prefer showers, then you should ensure that your shower is large. The showerhead is another small detail that can give your shower luxury-credit. You may want to opt for a two-headed showerhead or even making a natural waterfall.

Luxury Interior Design in the Living Room

While the bedroom and bathroom are private areas, it’s the living room where you’ll be able to show off your design skills. It’s where a living room luxury interior design is king.

When it comes to flooring, you have several options. To keep it comfortable, you might want to choose thick and plush carpets. If you prefer the ease of hard flooring, then you may want to stick with hardwood floors or tiles. While vinyl floors may look great, they have no place in a luxury-designed living room.              

Hard flooring can also create comfortable spaces with the use of rugs.

The key to a luxury living room is plenty of light. You want the space to appear as large as possible. Windows and lamps should be strategically placed around the room to give as much light as you can manage.

You’ll also need to consider your furniture selection. Comfort, again, should be important. You might do well with a high-quality leather sofa with accent pillows. Or you may prefer a loveseat with thick cushions that you can sink into. You’ll want to pair the sofas with pillows that will either contrast nicely or heighten its sense of luxury.

Another piece of furniture that is an absolute must is a coffee table. Depending on what kind of aesthetic you’re going for–industrial, modern, rustic, or just luxury contemporary–your table choice is vital. One idea is a glass table. Not only are they the peak of luxury, but glass tables are great for those who are aiming for a modern aesthetic.

Get Started

Luxury interior design involves elements of comfort, customization, high-quality materials, and allowing yourself to splurge on certain items. While it can be an aesthetic of its own, it can also be used to enhance an existing interior aesthetic. Try these ideas today with your renovation.


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